Are you looking for ways to celebrate the mathematical constant of Pi on March 14 (3.14)? Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Pi has been calculated to over one trillion places beyond the decimal point and does not repeat or have a pattern.
This year we are reminiscing about how we celebrated Pi Day 2019 at the Beaumont Children’s Museum! It was full of fun Pi Day activities – instructions listed below – and ended with an EPIC shaving cream Pi fight.
Make Pi Chalk Art
Make a Pi Bracelet
Goal: To string a pipe cleaner with beads that represent the digits in Pi
What you need: pipe cleaner and beads
How you do it:
- Collect different colors of beads
- String pipe cleaner with number of beads to represent Pi 3.14159265358979323846
Draw a Pi Skyline
Goal: To create a skyline with each building representing the digits in Pi
What you need: graph paper and markers
How you do it:
- Color in number of squares on graph paper corresponding to Pi 3.14159265358979323846
- Decorate sky with stars and sunset
Celebrate Albert Einstein’s Birthday!
Did you know one of the first toys Albert Einstein was given as a boy was a compass. In honor of his birthday on Pi Day (3/14) we learned about a compass and magnets
- All magnets have a north and south pole
- The Earth has a magnetic field
- A compass is a free spinning magnetic pin that points to the north pole
- The Earth’s north pole attracts the “north” end of other magnets so technically it is the “south pole” of the planets magnetic field.
Q: Can you tell which side of a magnet is north and which is south?
A: Place a compass near a magnet and it will move in the direction of the magnets south pole.
End the Day with an EPIC Shaving Cream Pi Toss!
We hope you enjoy celebrating Pi Day 2021 as much as did at the BCM! If you travel to Beaumont, TX for Spring Break this year, you should go check them out!
(Photo credit for Shaving Cream Pi Toss: BCM)
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