Today we decided to finally make a "kid-safe" Monster Toothpaste. Let me explain. I am the author of the book series Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire and let's just say that the hero, Halley, is prone to science disasters. In book 2 of this chapter book series, Halley is asked to do an experiment at her best friend Gracelyn's haunted house. (Reasons why it's called Monster Toothpaste for ... Read More about Kid Safe Monster Toothpaste
Fibonacci Nature Detectives
We love a good mystery at our house, especially since we recently hosted an Encyclopedia Brown birthday party for my 9 year old. Even the adults had fun! Now that the weather is warmer, I wanted to move the clue finding outdoors so we decided to research mysteries found in nature and ran across the Fibonacci sequence. This set of numbers was discovered by the medieval mathematician Leonardo ... Read More about Fibonacci Nature Detectives
Earth Day Spinners
On Earth Day, I needed a few quick crafts to entertain my three kiddos while they are still on Easter break. But first, we chuckled (and sang) this meme all morning. Then we raided the craft supplies and found the makings of an Earth Day spinner with a convenient science-y angle. We hope it helps you celebrate Earth Day too! What you need: cardboard, scissors, embroidery ... Read More about Earth Day Spinners
The Tablecloth Trick
I thought I knew a thing or two about the laws of motion, so one day I decided I was going to try out the classic tablecloth trick. You know, the one where you quickly pull a tablecloth from under a bunch of stacked water glasses? Easy enough, it was just overcoming friction, right? Wrong. I got soaked more times that I want to admit even after using a brand new tablecloth fresh out ... Read More about The Tablecloth Trick
Earth Day Water Experiment
This year we decided to celebrate Earth Day by exploring the properties of the oceans. Could you imagine living on the moon where there is no ocean to regulate the surface temperature? It is a blistering 200°F during a lunar day! (And I thought it was hot here in Texas!) This experiment shows us how the Earth's temperature is regulated by the amazing property of water called heat capacity or ... Read More about Earth Day Water Experiment
Easy No-Sew Big Dipper Pillow that Glows in the Dark!
Some of my fondest memories of science as a kid were looking into the night sky with my Mom in search of the Big Dipper and another time trying to spot Halley’s Comet with my granddaddy’s old telescope. So it warms my heart when today my daughter tells me that when she grows up she wants to be the first person on Mars. As her mom I cringe a little thinking of the long journey and the dangers of ... Read More about Easy No-Sew Big Dipper Pillow that Glows in the Dark!