A new year, a new decade, (and the year I turn 40 😱) had me researching clocks for our New Year science experiment. I stumbled upon how ancient people as early as 1500 BC used moving water to tell time and to be honest, it made me not feel so old. 🙌 You can make your own waterclock and use it as a 2020 countdown clock for the kids this New Year's Eve. What you need: an empty water bottle, an ... Read More about A New Year Waterclock
Christmas Tree Woodslice Ornaments
We love pulling out our Christmas decorations each year and talking about our science ornaments we've shared over the last 5 years on She Loves Science. This year we wanted to do a nature ornament and decided to honor our Christmas tree by studying the wood slice from it's trunk. We always get a fresh cut to help the tree get more moisture. What do you need: Your own Christmas tree trunk wood ... Read More about Christmas Tree Woodslice Ornaments
Ghostly Candle Seesaw
When I started this blog 5 years ago, I had no idea that burning a candle at both ends would be one of our favorite. experiments. ever! This was also an fun one to try around Halloween because it really does look like a a couple of ghosts going back and forth on a seesaw. 👻 👻 (But of course we know it's not ghosts... it's science! 😉) What you need: A tapered candle, a match, two ... Read More about Ghostly Candle Seesaw
The Classic Egg in a Bottle
Believe it or not, there are days when my kids aren't excited about doing science with their dear ol' Mom. Especially a few weeks ago when we didn't have school due to the flooding of Tropical Storm Imelda and we were all bored. On that hot and muggy morning this was our conversation: Me: "Want to make slime?" Kids: "Nah..." Me: "How about a little oobleck?" Kids: "No thanks..." I ... Read More about The Classic Egg in a Bottle
Sunset in a glass
I've been looking up a lot amazed at the beautiful sunrises and sunsets here in Beaumont, TX. Maybe it's because now that kids are back at school, I've been waking up before sunrise, checking out the horizon, and trying to soak in a minute of peace before the rush of the day begins. I'm almost certain you've had the question asked by your kids about "Why is the sky blue?", I know I have. So, ... Read More about Sunset in a glass
Find your way using nature
Did you know you could use a common plant in nature to find your way? Nowadays you could just whip out your compass app on your phone to find north. But what if you didn't have cell service? What if you didn't have your phone!? 😱 So, we decided to do a little science experiment using nature's compass - lichen. Lichen is the scaly, sometimes leafy, growth located on trees but I had no idea until ... Read More about Find your way using nature