This quote inspires me to bring engineering to you. “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was.” – Theodore van Karman
Science is all about exploring our world!
We have been doing some amazing experiments at She Loves Science! While some of the results were exactly what I expected to happen, others surprised us both – hello milk and dish soap! A common phrase around here has become “Let’s do an experiment!” While documenting these experiments, I have realized that things that I take for granted are amazing when watched with a preschooler. Ultimately, we have been opening our eyes to this amazing world around us.
Engineers create the world that never was.
No matter how many science experiments we do in the kitchen, I am amazed at all the creations my kids make with tinker toys. I love these creations because it came from their own mind – their idea created a product. Of course their notable “products” are a perfume machine (to help squirt perfume on me), a swinging machine parade float (shown in the picture), and noisemakers (to celebrate Mardi Gras). I truly feel like kids are not only little scientists but also amazing engineers creating their own little world of fun.
Engineers make a difference in our world.
There is an organization called DiscoverE (formerly National Engineers Week Foundation) whose mission is to, “celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world and bring engineering to life for kids and parents.” Their website is full of information for parents and teachers who are curious about what engineering is and want to expose kids to the idea of an engineering future.
They list 10 reasons to love engineering found here. My three favorites are:
1. Engineers are creative
2. Engineers make a difference
3. Engineers change the world
Would you have thought an engineer would be creative? Trust me, you’ve got to be creative to solve the problems that engineers do!
And #4 some engineers are beautiful and charming.
Awww.. thanks Dad!