Do you need a few ideas on how to combine teaching science and teaching religion for Vacation Bible School? Have you volunteered to teach a religion class and need a bit of inspiration? I recently gave a presentation to my church mom’s group on how to enhance a children’s bible study using science. You should have seen all of us moms trying out experiments and telling Bible stories. It was a lot of fun. You should also check out this amazing book here for more inspiration.
This one is my absolute favorite and it is so simple to do. All you need are things that you already have in your kitchen. It is making color disappear to teach that Jesus washes away our sins AND I’m going to let you in on a little trick to give it a great wow factor!
Here’s what you need: 2 clear cups (one labeled “sin” and one labeled with a cross), food coloring, bleach, baking soda, and water
How you do it:
- Fill one glass about 3/4 full of water
- Stir in 1 tsp of baking soda
- Add food coloring
- Next pour about 1/4 cup of bleach in the colored water
Check this out:
What is the science?
The oxygen molecules in water (H20) will combine with the oxygen molecules in the bleach (NaClO) causing the food coloring to neutralize and disappear. The trick is by adding baking soda this chemical reaction occurs more quickly making it a perfect demonstration for a group of kids (and moms!)
What is the Bible Lesson?
This is an easy and impressive way to demonstrate 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light as He is the light then we have fellowship with one another and the blood of his son Jesus cleanses us from all sin.”
I have just loved sharing these science bible activities with you. I think you could turn practically any experiment into a great lesson about our Creator. Enjoy this one! Its so much fun!
Hi, how are you? Very interesting article, thank you for sharing. Actually what I would like to do is the complete opposite. I want discolored water to turn clear, without using bleach. I make homemade cleaning products. I see herbs and distilled water and vinegar, and it causes the water and vinegar to change color. I’m looking for something to make it clear again, but I do not want to use bleach. Do you know how to do that? I would really love your feedback.
PS. I’m a Christian too. I used to teach kindergarten, and I would’ve loved to of been able to do something like this at that time. They would’ve loved it!