I’ve been a bit absent from blogging the past few months since we found out we are expecting our third baby. We are so incredibly excited, yet I am so insanely exhausted. The couch has been more appealing than even getting up to make dinner some nights, so I haven’t been doing any science experiments with the kids lately, and Allie’s actually been begging to do science.
But while on the couch, I started thinking about a little high school chemistry term… activation energy – the minimum energy it takes to start a chemical reaction.
(Why do I think of chemistry terms when I’m exhausted? Well, you know… that’s me.)
I started to wonder, what’s my minimum energy level to start doing more experiments with my kids again? You would think it wouldn’t require much activation energy to pull out the baking soda and vinegar, but I was doing good to just keep from falling asleep mid-afternoon.
So, what finally helped me overcome my energy barrier? The second trimester, afternoon coffee, and a handful of Easter candy. Now, I am giving myself some space and reminding myself that I’m still a good mom, despite a break in crafts and science activities.
I’m moving in the right direction. I have sparked her curiosity so much that she is asking me to do science when she is bored.
I call that a win.
I am also realizing that once you start doing science (or any interesting subject for that matter) with your kids, they are going to want to do and know more. It’s Newton’s first law of motion – a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Once you overcome the energy barrier to do science with your kids, then there is no holding back to what your kids will want to know. They will seek out experiments to do, they will make up their own experiments, and they may even browse your ‘science’ Pinterest boards! (Here’s my board in case you are curious.)
So pass the coffee pot while I dig into Allie’s Easter candy… I think I’m ready for another experiment!
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